现在ChatGPT p 提供了一项新功能,你可以在Beta功能中启用自定义指令。然后在菜单中会新增一个自定义指令选项,你可以设置自己的背景信息和期望的ChatGPT输出格式。这样就不必反复重复你的背景和喜好了。


We’re rolling out custom instructions to give you more control over how ChatGPT responds. Set your preferences, and ChatGPT will keep them in mind for all future conversations.我们正在推出定制指令,让您对ChatGPT的回应更加有控制力。设置您的偏好,ChatGPT将牢记它们,用于所有未来的对话。
Illustration: Ruby Chen 插图:Ruby Chen
notion image
July 20, 2023 2023年7月20日

Authors 作者

We’re introducing custom instructions so that you can tailor ChatGPT to better meet your needs. This feature will be available in beta starting with the Plus plan today, expanding to all users in the coming weeks. Custom instructions allow you to add preferences or requirements that you’d like ChatGPT to consider when generating its responses.我们正在推出定制指令,以便您可以根据自己的需求来定制ChatGPT。该功能将从今天起在Plus计划的测试版中提供,并将在未来几周内扩展到所有用户。定制指令允许您添加偏好或要求,以便ChatGPT在生成回复时加以考虑。
We’ve heard your feedback about the friction of starting each ChatGPT conversation afresh. Through our conversations with users across 22 countries, we’ve deepened our understanding of the essential role steerability plays in enabling our models to effectively reflect the diverse contexts and unique needs of each person.我们听到了关于每次开始ChatGPT对话时的摩擦的反馈。通过与来自22个国家的用户的交流,我们加深了对可操控性在使我们的模型能够有效地反映每个人的多样背景和独特需求方面所起的关键作用的理解。
ChatGPT will consider your custom instructions for every conversation going forward. The model will consider the instructions every time it responds, so you won’t have to repeat your preferences or information in every conversation.ChatGPT将会针对每一次对话考虑您的自定义指示。模型会在每次回复时考虑这些指示,因此您不必在每次对话中重复您的偏好或信息。
For example, a teacher crafting a lesson plan no longer has to repeat that they're teaching 3rd grade science. A developer preferring efficient code in a language that’s not Python – they can say it once, and it's understood. Grocery shopping for a big family becomes easier, with the model accounting for 6 servings in the grocery list.例如,一个老师制定教案时不再需要重复说明他们正在教授三年级科学课程。一个偏好非Python语言的开发者只需说一次,就能得到理解并编写高效的代码。对于大家庭来说,购买杂货变得更加容易,因为模型会在购物清单中考虑到六人份量。
Custom instructions 定制说明
Scroll down to see output change向下滚动以查看输出变化
What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?为了提供更好的回答,您希望ChatGPT了解您的哪些信息?
I work on science education programs for third-grade students.我负责为三年级学生开展科学教育项目。
How would you like ChatGPT to respond?你希望ChatGPT如何回应?
When discussing potential solutions for work-related items, present the information in a table format, outlining the pros and cons of each option—allowing for easier comparison and decision-making.在讨论工作相关事项的潜在解决方案时,以表格形式呈现信息,列出每个选项的利弊,以便更容易进行比较和决策。
What would be three important things to teach about the moon?关于月球,有哪三个重要的事情需要教授?
Teaching third-grade students about the moon involves several core concepts. Here are three key topics to consider:教授三年级学生关于月球的知识涉及几个核心概念。以下是三个需要考虑的关键主题:
  1. Phases of the Moon 月相
  1. The Moon's Relationship with the Earth月球与地球的关系
  1. Physical Features of the Moon月球的物理特征
Topic  主题
Pros  优点
Cons   Cons
Phases of the Moon月相
Helps students understand cyclical patterns and time. It's also quite observable, offering an immediate connection to their own experiences.帮助学生理解循环模式和时间。它也非常可观,与他们自己的经验有直接联系。
It may be a slightly complex concept for some students to grasp initially, particularly the reasons behind the moon's different phases.对于一些学生来说,最初理解月亮不同阶段背后的原因可能是一个稍微复杂的概念。
The Moon's Relationship with the Earth月球与地球的关系
This topic is vital for explaining concepts like gravity, tides, and how the moon orbits the earth. It can also lead to further discussions about the solar system.这个话题对于解释重力、潮汐以及月球如何绕地球运转等概念至关重要。它还可以引发关于太阳系的进一步讨论。
Understanding the moon's impact on Earth requires some basic understanding of physical science, which may be challenging for some third graders.了解月球对地球的影响需要一些基本的物理科学知识,这对于一些三年级的学生来说可能是具有挑战性的。
Physical Features of the Moon月球的物理特征
Students usually find this interesting, particularly topics like craters and the absence of atmosphere. This can lead to discussions about space exploration.学生们通常会觉得这很有趣,尤其是像陨石坑和没有大气层这样的话题。这可能会引发关于太空探索的讨论。
Without proper visual aids (like high-quality images or models), this topic can be somewhat abstract for third-grade students.如果没有适当的视觉辅助工具(如高质量的图片或模型),这个主题对于三年级学生来说可能有些抽象。
Ultimately, your choice of what to emphasize will depend on your students' existing knowledge, the curriculum you are following, and the resources you have available.最终,你选择强调什么将取决于你学生的现有知识,你所遵循的课程以及你可用的资源。

Plugins 插件

Adding instructions can also help improve your experience with plugins by sharing relevant information with the plugins that you use. For example, if you specify the city you live in within your instructions and use a plugin that helps you make restaurant reservations, the model might include your city when it calls the plugin.添加说明也可以通过与您使用的插件共享相关信息来改善您与插件的体验。例如,如果您在说明中指定了您所在的城市,并使用了一个帮助您进行餐厅预订的插件,当模型调用该插件时,可能会包含您的城市信息。

Beta Beta

Especially during the beta period, ChatGPT won’t always interpret custom instructions perfectly—at times it might overlook instructions, or apply them when not intended.尤其是在测试阶段,ChatGPT并不总能完美地理解自定义指令——有时可能会忽略指令,或者在不应用的情况下使用它们。

Safety 安全

We’ve adapted our safety measures to account for the new ways that users can instruct the model.  For example, our Moderation API is designed to help ensure instructions won't be saved if they violate our Usage Policies. The model can also refuse or ignore instructions that lead to responses that violate our usage policies.我们已经调整了我们的安全措施,以适应用户可以指示模型的新方式。例如,我们的审查 API 旨在帮助确保如果指示违反我们的使用政策,它们将不会被保存。模型还可以拒绝或忽略导致违反我们使用政策的回应的指示。

Privacy 隐私

We may use your custom instructions to improve model performance for our users, but you can disable this via your data controlsAs with ChatGPT conversations, we take steps to remove personal identifiers found in custom instructions before they are used to improve model performance. Learn more about how we use conversations to improve model performance and your choices in our Help Center.我们可能会使用您的自定义指令来改善我们用户的模型性能,但您可以通过数据控制来禁用此功能。与ChatGPT对话一样,我们会在使用自定义指令之前采取措施删除其中的个人标识符,以改善模型性能。在我们的帮助中心了解更多关于我们如何使用对话来改善模型性能以及您的选择。

Try it now 现在试试看

Plus users can start using custom instructions today by opting into the beta for custom instructions:Plus用户可以选择加入自定义指令的测试版,从今天开始使用自定义指令
  • On web, click on your name → Settings → Beta features → opt into Custom instructions. Custom instructions will appear in the menu when you click on your name going forward.
    • 在网页上,点击您的名字 → 设置 → Beta 功能 → 选择自定义说明。自定义说明将在您以后点击您的名字时出现在菜单中。
  • On iOS, go to Settings → New Features → turn on Custom instructions. Custom instructions will appear in settings.
    • 在iOS上,进入设置→新功能→打开自定义指示。自定义指示将出现在设置中。
This feature is not yet available in the UK and EU.该功能目前在英国和欧盟尚未可用。

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